Daily Angel Tarot Card Reading – 21st February 2014

I got really scared last night that the media will once again screw up my life by publishing speculative stories. Didn’t happen today. So perhaps it was ok. I hope.

Yesterday’s and today’s cards continues to show change – a change that is better. Yes for challenges, but like I have told myself yesterday, why should I let anyone else define how I live my life?

And here’s the cards

Four of Earth


My interpretation: “Hello, it’s you again. Nice to see you again. You look like a reindeer today. Your wings are spread out in the back but the outline looks like it come from your head. Of course you already have two horns. Are you still staring at me? You look fierce. Fierce from protecting what is behind you or wanted to know what I am here for? The little fairy is whispering to you why I am here and you are listening to her words. I am here to say hello. Nothing to worry about.”

The “official” reading:

“This can be a card of extremes. It may be a cautionary message to take care of your resources. Perhaps it’s time to create a savings account, or review your spending habits. It’s also possible that you’re too financially conservative. Additionally, this is a message to donate time or money to charities and worthy causes.

Your hard work is paying off, but stay alert to new possibilities. Change is inevitable and can bring newfound source of abundance. Be open to new and exciting opportunities. Don’t let fear-based thoughts limit your actions.

Additional meanings of this card: Good business decisions or investments. Large purchases. Penny-pinching. Fears that what you’ve accumulated will be lost.”

Elizabeth and the Lion


My interpretation: “Queen Elizabeth it is. Of course, both her and the Lion are signs of leadership. Great leadership. Queen Elizabeth is really the “king”. The Lion looks calm, even smiling, and protective. Queen Liz put her arms around the Lion, not as a scared way I think, but more of a ‘pet’ way. Time to become a great leader you said?”

The ‘official’ interpretation: “About Elizabeth and the Lion – These two have come forward as one – they are indivisible and interchangeable, the masculine and the feminine, both Divine. Elizabeth and the Lion have made an appearance to you for a good reason. It is your need for the energy of the magnificent lion ­– his royalty, dignity, blood-stirring and fearful roar, enormous mane, power and speed, and ability to luxuriate and accept deference and offerings. It is also your need for commanding presence of Elizabeth, a queen, a shapeshifter with faery blood who showed what it means to endure danger after danger, and in the end, to take up arms and rally troops to impossible victories. To have victory after victory – impossible as it may seem – you, too, must find that lion heart within you, the royal blood that beats within your heart, and the pride that allows you to rise up and speak words of truthful inspiration to others. At times you will fall but, like Elizabeth, the triumphant queen who rallied again and again and again, you will be clever, learned, wise, diplomatic, cunning, peaceful, and courageous. Many will follow your inspirational lead, and the world will be made more joyful thanks to your courage.

Elizabeth and the Lion Speaks – You must now express your authority and prove correct the trust that people have shown In you. When you have a great task to do, it is natural that fear and fearful self-talk will stage a sudden entrance. It is wise to understand that there will be times when you will wonder if you can continue, and there will be times when a simpler, easier, more subservient existence would be better than this striving to truly be the sovereign – the leader and educator of others. But if you rise to this offer, we will walk with you for a while, you will overcome an impossible danger – and you will show how resilient and strong your human heart is.

Divination – You must make a stirring speech, manage a trouble group of people, face a great threat, and somehow manage with meagre resources. You are a leader! You will triumph if you remember the flow of blood that runs through you has courage and staying power. Nothing will make you back down. You will hold out, outwit, and come to victory again and again. […] There are people and beings rely upon your example. You will be promoted, and with this great new blessing will come great responsibility. You are up for the challenge – again and again and again. Like it or not, you are a leader. Now show you can be a great one.”

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